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  • Self propelled scissor lift platform 360 Angle turning

Walking , reversing, turning and lifting can be achieved on the platform. Moving flexible in narrow condition, make the aerial work more efficient...

Widely used for aerial work indoor and ourdoor.

The scissor lift moving, reversing, turning(360angle) and lifting by remote control . Self-movement through the full height without any les. It is convenient and flexible use that improves the work efficiency. 



1). Low noise allows the operation personel  work in a slient environment and the large-angle steering system provides a good maneuverability.

2).Polyurethane solid tire, no damage to the floor.

3).People can drive to any where on the platform.Moving flexible in a narrow place.

4). The adoption of maintenance -free lifting arm sleeves, powder coating and nickel-plated bolts improves the wear resistance and extend the service life of the liftng platform.

 Working heights: ranging from 3m, 4m, 5m,6m,8m,10m,12m,14m,16m,18m