How Much Does it Cost to Rent an Articulated Boom Lift?

Finding Different Rental Rates of Articulated Boom Lifts
Articulated boom lifts are essentially mechanical arms that help you reach those hard-to-reach areas. This type of aerial lift appears on construction sites, in work on overhead utilities, tree trimming, painting, window cleaning, pretty much anyplace where work is performed above ground level.
Of course, if you only need one of these machines for a single job, or maybe once or twice per year, the cost to buy and maintain this equipment is prohibitive. Luckily, you can rent an articulated boom lift for a fraction of the cost, and for whatever time period serves your needs.
How would I Use an Articulated Boom Lift?
Sometimes called knuckle booms, these aerial lift machines help your team reach high places, or just difficult to reach areas that a standard telescopic boom lift can't reach. Whether you're trying to get around built-in obstacles or working in a highly congested area, these machines turn and maneuver around whatever's in their way
Despite all that maneuverability, the work platform itself remains stable, allowing the operator to safely change direction and complete the job, even when 150 meters in the air.
Points to Consider before Renting an Articulated Boom Lift
· Platform height: Articulated boom lifts come with different height capacities, ranging from 10 ft. to over 100 ft. Rental rates are based largely on the unit's reach, so determine your requirements before renting to ensure you don't pay for more machine than you need.
· Rental period: Depending on the vendor, you can rent a lift for anywhere from 4 hours to a month. Arrive at a reasonable estimate for how long your job will last and enter a rental agreement for the appropriate amount of time. For example, if you think you can get the job done in two days if you really push, but it actually takes three, you typically pay more for those three days on a daily rate than you would have if you'd just rented the machine for a week.
· Electric- or diesel-powered: Cost also varies by power source, with electric-powered lifts costing less. However, you need to make sure the machine (1) handles your needs and (2) has a ready and convenient power source. In other words, don't rent an electric unit for a remote jobsite with no electricity.
Sample Prices to Rent an Articulated Boom Lift
Pricing varies widely depending on working height, manufacturer, whether articulation is narrow or broad, and even what part of the country you're in. Even so, we can offer some pricing averages to assist with budgeting.
· 30 ft. electric powered, narrow articulating boom lift rents for between $250 and $300 per day
· 45 ft. articulated boom lift rents for between $300 and $350 daily, $1,000 to $1,200 weekly, and $2,500 to $3,000 monthly
· 60 ft. dual fuel rents for between $450 and $550 daily
· 60 ft. diesel powered rents for $400 to $500 daily, $1,800 to $2,000 weekly, and $4,000 to $4,500 monthly
· 80 ft. articulated boom lift rents for $800 to $1,000 daily, $2,800 to $3,000 weekly, and $7,000 to $8,000 monthly
· 125 ft. articulated boom lift costs $2,000 to $2,500 per day, $6,500 to $7,000 per week, and $12,000 to $14,000 per month
· GBZ30/20N articulating boom lift, with a working height of 30 feet and weight capacity of 500 pounds costs $220 to $270 per day, $800 to $850 per week, and $1,500 to $1,600 per month
· GBZ34/22D/F or E Articulating Boom lift, working at a height of 34 feet and weight capacity of 500 costs $250 to $300 per day, $850 to $900 per week, and $1,700 to $1,800 per month
Would you just rent or buy a used or new articulated boom lift? Tell us your decision and we would help you to do the math.
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